Six Things to do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Ok, here’s a question for you that i’m pretty sure I already know the answer to…Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Let’s face it, many of us are feeling overwhelmed right now. Homeschooling, parenting, working from home, financial difficulties.…and the list goes on and on. Some of you might feel like you are drowning in life and you can't seem to get ahead. I don't take any of these feelings lightly. My heart goes out to you with compassion.

Ok, I”m not here to magnify the challenges, but instead I want to encourage you with six simple things that you can do right now when you're feeling overwhelmed. You ready?

1. Stop and pray.

When you are having the feelings of despair, call out to God. It doesn’t have to be some elaborate prayer. It can be simple—”Lord I need help. I’m feeling completely overwhelmed. I’m in a slump and I don’t know how to get out.”

The scripture says, the Lord hears and answers our prayers. (Psalm 116:1-2-I love the Lord because he hears my prayers and answers them. 2 Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe!)

Instead of magnifying what you’re going through, stop and let God know that you need His help to make it through.

2. Make the decision not to go deeper.

This is what I mean—You’re telling yourself— “I am making the decision that I am not going to stay in this feeling of being overwhelmed. I'm going to stop magnifying it in my mind. It is a negative emotion and I’m not gonna live in this state of stress and overwhelm.”

In other words, you’re saying, “I’m choosing to not think the negative thoughts, toxic thoughts that are digging me deeper in a hole, and I’m choosing thoughts that are going to help me work my way out of this hole. I've prayed about it. I'm giving it to God and I'm going to refocus my thoughts.”

3. Don’t be so hard on yourself! (This is so good!)

I hope you’re really taking this to heart. Often when we feel overwhelmed we begin to magnify our imperfections and insecurities and it digs us deeper into a hole.

Well, allow me to just stop right here and tell you what you’re not:

You are not a bad mom.

You are not a bad dad.

You are not a failure as a parent.

You are not an accident, a second thought and you are not a burden.

You are not the mistakes you have made.

You are not the trauma you have experienced.

You are not your failures.

You are not your past.

You are not failing in life.

Did you get that? Now let me encourage you with who you are:

You are:

You are strong.

You are good enough.

You are amazing.

You are enough.

You are here on this planet for a purpose.

You are a good mama, a good daddy, a good parent.

You are YOU and nobody can be that but YOU..

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be so hard on yourself…REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!

4. Let go of what you can’t control and focus on today.

Have you figured out yet that you can’t control everything?

Let me encourage you to stop being a prisoner to things you can't change. Let it go.

Instead, learn to Be present in the moment. How can you be present in the moment when so much is going on in your life that you’re concerned about?

You can go outside and get some fresh air.

You can go for a drive.

You can get your body moving.

Enjoy your loved ones.

Enjoy what you DO have.

When you start to go back to that place that leads you to being overwhelmed, tell yourself-”No, i'm not going there. I'm enjoying today and everything that today brings my way.”

5. Express Gratitude.

Y'all know the saying, “A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles,” well it’s true. When you shift your mind off of the negatives and begin to express gratitude for what’s going right in your life, things begin to change for the better.

Here’s a jumpstart for your grateful list:

I'm grateful for this day.

I'm grateful for the gift of life.

I'm grateful that I made it through 2020. (Can I get an “Amen?”)

I'm grateful I have friends and family.

I'm grateful I am alive.

Y’all, Gratitude is a game-changer!

6. Do something for someone else.

My dad used to say, “The greater your Giving, the greater your Living.” It’s hard to be depressed when you’re helping someone else out. You may not think you have the time or money or even mental fortitude to help someone else out, but let me assure you, it doesn’t have to be something grandiose. It can be something simple:

Write a personal note to encourage someone.

Call someone you know is going through difficulty.

Send an encouraging email to someone for no other reason than you were simply thinking of them.

The list goes on and on. It’s amazing what happens in your own heart when you reach out and help someone else have a better day.

AND…It's hard to stay down when you're lifting someone else up!

So there you have it.

When you're feeling overwhelmed:

Stop and pray.

Make the decision not to go deeper into despair.

Don't be so hard on yourself!

Let go of what you can't control and focus on TODAY.

Express gratitude.

Do something for someone else.

Don't lose HOPE!. You got this. You're going to make it through. You have God on your side!

Have a GREAT day,

April xo

P.S. Here are a few more scriptures that I think you will LOVE:

Psalm 34:17-18. The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them from all their troubles.

Psalm 46:1-God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], A very present and well-proved help in trouble.

2 Corinthians 12:9-My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

1 Peter 5:7-Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Psalm 142:3-When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn.

Psalm 112: 7-They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. (Love, love, LOVE this!)

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

Say these things to Yourself Every Single Day


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