These Things are keeping You from living Your Best Life

I’m a big believer in cheering people on into their destiny. I’m a “can do” kind of person. I believe you can always set yourself up for victory in every area of your life.

I also believe to live a thriving life, there’s some things you just can’t do:

You can’t talk defeat and expect victory.

You have to stop saying:

  • This will never happen.

  • My situation is never gonna change.

  • I’ll never get out of this financial hole.

  • My kids will never come around.

  • My marriage will never get better.

If you are “never” minded then you will probably discover that it will happen exactly how you believe it will.

“Neverness” brings about nothing but a depressed, discouraged, dark, defeated, negative attitude. Remember, negativity breeds negativity. Discouraging thoughts bring more discouraging thoughts. Darkness doesn’t lead to the light, it leads to more darkness.

You can’t constantly talk about your problems and expect to find solutions.

You have to stop:

  • Talking about everything that’s wrong in your life.

  • Talking about those kid of yours that just aren’t doing right.

  • Talking bad about your spouse.

  • Complaining about your job all of the time.

Start shutting down conversations that are magnifying the problems.

Zip your mouth when you want to focus on everything that’s going wrong in your life. Remember one of my favorite scriptures-Keep your mouth closed and you’ll stay out of trouble! (Proverbs 21:23)

And remember: Just because you think it doesn’t mean you have to say it. (Somebody is saying, “Aaaaamen!”)

When you speak it out, it gives that thing power over your life.

You can’t live with unforgiveness and expect to live a life of freedom.

Here’s a fact: unforgiveness always comes out of your mouth. You may not realize it, but others can see it. It causes you to be bitter and live with a bitter mindset. You tend to be critical and judgmental.

Forgiveness is bondage. You may not have ever seen it that way, but you cannot harbor unforgiveness and expect freedom.

Forgiveness is FOR YOU. Forgiveness is not forgetting. It’s remembering without anger.(That is soooo good!)

You can’t keep talking about your past and expect to enjoy today.

Talking about your failures doesn’t build you up. Talking about everything that’s gone wrong in your life doesn’t motivate you toward success.

The past shouldn’t even be in your vocabulary any more. You gotta get free of what has happened and begin to focus on what can happen now, today.

Stop limiting yourself by yesterday or how you grew up. That is who you were. Who you were doesn’t have to be who you are. How you grew up doesn’t mean you have to raise your family the same way.

Stop talking about failed relationships, bad breaks, failures, divorce, rehab, prison, past past past. Start talking about today and what you do have.

Here’s a new way of thinking and living:

  • I’m not talking defeat anymore, I know God has designed me for victory and I see victories in my future.

  • I’m not going to discuss my problems, I”m looking for solutions.

  • I’ve been hurt and wronged, but that’s not my focus. NO more bitterness. No more anger. Today I’m choosing to forgive and move on. I’m moving beyond what hurt me and moving into freedom.

  • My past doesn’t control me any longer. I choose to not live there any more. I want a better today, so I’ll stop talking about yesterday.

You can totally shift your mindset from defeat, problems, the past, and unforgiveness just by deciding to do so! Sure it’s something you’ll have to work toward every day, but as you begin to do it today, tomorrow it will become easier. Once you do it for days, then weeks, then months, it becomes a lifestyle. 

Change begins with you. If you don’t like the way things are now, change them. Don’t box yourself in to being a “that’s just the way I am” person and you can’t change. That’s just not the truth. You can do anything you want to. How big is your want to?

Life has so much to offer and we are not designed to live it barely getting by. We are designed for a life of abundance and fulfillment. Let’s start living it.

If you change the voices coming into your life, you’ll change the choices going out of your life.

You can do this!

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

6 Ways to Overcome Procrastination


Say these things to Yourself Every Single Day