3 Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For

What will your future self thank you for? This is really deep…you ready?

Your future self will thank you for investing in you!

Your greatest investment is YOU, because after all, YOU get the greatest return.

Let me narrow it down even more specifically; Your future self will thank you for investing in your HEALTH.

If you think about it, your body will be around a lot longer than an expensive house, car, handbag, etc., so you have to take time, or make time, for your health. You have to believe that you are worth the time, the money and the investment.

Here’s some facts:

-The healthier you are, the less of an insurance risk you are,

-The healthier you are, the less sick days you'll have to take.

-The healthier you are the more energy you'll have.

-The healthier you are, the more you are able to enjoy your loved ones and LIFE!

Here are 3 Ways You can Invest in your Health:

1. Eat healthy.

Eat for longevity. Watch your sugar intake and pass on heavily processed foods. Look at the ingredients!. Low fat doesn't mean it's healthy. In fact, low fat means they pack in the sugar, salt and empty carbs to help the food taste better and be preserved longer.

I always say stay away from fake cheese, fake butter and fake people. Just saying.

Eat for your health. Good food equals good mood. Nourish to flourish. Opt for” real” foods—veggies, fruits and non-processed foods.

2. Get enough sleep.

You, my friend, need sleep. We all do!

Let's face it, lack of sleep can make you cranky and when you're cranky, you just might take it out on those you love.

Did you know that sleep deprivation negatively affects your mental ability? Not only that, but poor sleep shortens your life expectancy! We gotta get a good night’s sleep!

With good sleep you have better productivity, better heart health, better metabolism, better immunity, better physical performance and better memory, to name a few. It also improves your mental and phycological well-being.

Your future self will thank you for getting in the habit of getting a good night's sleep.

How can we do this?

-Establish a routine and be consistent.

-Wind down at the same time every night.

-Get relaxed. Don't watch something on tv that riles you up.

-Get off of social media or anything that will cause your mind to start going.

-Stay consistent.(This is VITAL!)

Can I tell you something? You are a much happier human when you have a good night’s sleep!

Your future self will thank you for taking care of your mental and physical health by getting adequate sleep, not just once in a while, but every single night. Take care of your body. The best way to ensure you get enough sleep is to create a routine that works for you. (Remember that routines only work if you stick to them!) Here’s a good scripture that you can pray at night: You will sleep like a baby, safe and sound—your rest will be sweet and secure. (Proverbs 3:24)

3. Exercise

Your future self will thank you for keeping your body healthy and strong.

Let me just give you a quick side note here-your healthy and strong will look differently than someone else's healthy and strong. Don't exercise to look like someone else. Exercise for the health and well-being of YOU!

Exercise helps you regulate your sleeping patterns, manage weight and manage stress in a healthier way. Not only that, but exercise will increase your lifespan. HELLO! It’s not about just living a long life, but living a long, HEALTHY life.

Your future self will thank you for getting your heart rate up and sweating a little bit. Not just once, but consistently. You don't change by chance, you change by choice and being consistent.

Here's one way to get your body moving and most people can do: walking

Walking-doesn't require any equipment, just a good pair of walking shoes.

The benefits:

-Walking increases blood flow to the brain,

-Walking decreases stress hormones,

-Walking releases endorphins that improves your mood,

-Walking lowers depression and reduces the risk of cognitive decline.

-Walking helps maintain bone health and lubricates your joints.

-Waling helps with digestion and reduces insulin resistance.

-Walking helps your heart flow more efficiently, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

To sum it up: Walking is great for your health.

You don't have to start out with a marathon! Start with 10 minutes a day and then work your way up.

The point is, whatever form of exercise you choose, be consistent.

There. you have it. Three things your future self will thank you for: eating right, getting sleep and exercising.

Don't wait! Begin today. Health is wealth and prevention is better than cure. And if you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.

You are the only person that has the power to make your life better. Make your future self proud. Invest in yourself…it pays the best interest!

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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