It’s Time to Close the Door

To close a door simply means, it’s time to move on.

Oh I know, I know, sometimes that’s easier said than done. It can be hard and challenging and emotional, to say the least. But if we want to move forward, we just gotta close the door.

Here’s a few things we should close the door to in our lives:

Close the door on the naysayers.

Or let me say, close your ears from hearing the naysayers. Some of you may live with a naysayer. Learn to adjust the volume of what you “hear” and what is spoken into and over your life. Protect your faith. Protect your peace. Protect what you are believing God for. Tune out the naysayers and tune into what God’s Word says about your situation.

Close the door on small thinking.

Listen ya’ll…small thinking keeps you small. Small thinking means small living. Allow yourself to dream bigger—God-sized dreams. Get around dreamers, visionaries and people who are shooting for the moon!

Close the door on fearing change.

Change is inevitable. You can either fight it or embrace it. Why not just embrace it? You got this! Push yourself into living the life of your dreams.

Close the door on fear.

You know the saying, fear doesn’t stop death, it’s stops living! The scripture states, “The Lord is on my side, I will not fear.” (Psalm 118:6) Close the door on fear and open the door of faith.

Close the door on the past.

Don’t stay mentally or emotionally somewhere you left physically a long time ago. (Ooh that’s so good!)

Remember, some doors need to be closed simply because they no longer lead anywhere your life needs to go.


If it no longer serves you or leads you to grow, close the door.

If it’s holding you back, close the door.

If it’s stealing your peace, close the door.

If it’s stressing you out, close the door.

If it’s reminding you of how you used to be, close the door.

If it’s a chapter that’s not relevant any longer, close the door.

If you want closure, you just gotta close the door.

Then…wait for it…You will more than likely need to change your mindset on the thought of closing a door.

So, instead of focusing on the ending, thank God for a new beginning.

Instead of focusing on the unanswered questions, the “why’s,” and pain, be grateful that God has new doors to be opened.

Here’s something really important: Don't miss an open door because you are so focused on the one that closed.

Just close the door.

When God shuts a door, don’t try to reopen it. He in essence is saying, “It’s time to move forward.”

Trust the transition and that God has your best interest at heart.

Ok. you can do it! Remember this: The best time for new beginnings is right now!

It's time to move forward. There's life and destiny up ahead. So take a deep breath and step into a new life. It's gonna be great.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

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