How To Embrace Change

If there’s anything that we’ve learned over the past two years is—wait for it—CHANGE IS INEVITABLE! I mean come on! We’ve had to adjust our lifestyles, our work situations, our travel AND our mindset.

Although we are getting somewhat back to normal, it’s important that we stay pliable…not fearful of change, but prepared for it.

And guess what?

God has equipped you for change.

It’s true! If you have God on the inside of you, then there’s GREATNESS on the inside of you.

Here’s the deal-Greatness comes with a price. It requires you to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Why? Because it’s an opportunity for you to go to the next level.

Think about David and his conquering of Goliath. That’s a great story, but do you know what David did before he killed the giant?

He was a shepherd who had to deal with stinky sheep. (I’m sure they were cute too.)

You know what he did?

He utilized his time alone in the field.

He walked and talked with God in the field and witnessed(firsthand) His faithfulness.

He got VISION in the field.

He gained spiritual strength in the field.

David’s training was in the field.

David milked that field for everything he could. That’s how he had the spiritual fortitude to face a giant that no one else would even consider fighting. When he came face to face with Goliath, he remembered his training. He recalled the battles he had won in private, when no one was around to see. When he faced Goliath he was able to flex his spiritual muscles that he had consistently worked for out in a field with no one but God.

And get this-He wasn't arrogant when he faced Goliath. He was simply confident because he knew that the God he served had never failed him yet. (Oh that’s so good!)

So what does this have to do with change? Well, your time RIGHT NOW is preparation for the change that is coming. Oh you know it’s coming! Why not be prepared for it!

You might feel like David right now…in the field, unnoticed, dealing with a lot of stinky stuff going on around you.

That's ok, Your time in the field is preparation.

That's where you build spiritual muscle.

That’s where you learn patience.

Your time in the field is for refining.

Your time in the field is where is where character is built.

Remember, God is just as interested in who you are becoming as where you are going.

The field is preparing you for the next big thing that God has for you!


Don't fight change, embrace it!

Don’t get frustrated, get fired up!

Don't get discouraged get ready!

Keep growing from the inside out!

Remember, when things change inside of you, things begin to change around you.

Stay in faith

Keep hope in front of you.

And get ready for God to open doors for you that you've never dreamed.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

Make Today Count


How to find Hope when You feel like Quitting