Make Today Count

Have you ever stopped to think about what a privilege it is to wake up and get another chance at another day? Really! Some people didn't get that chance. Life is a gift…every single day is truly a gift from above.

In all reality, today is the only day that matters. Today has such potential and value. Today is filled with purpose and is just waiting for you to show up!

The scripture states, This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad I it.( Psalm 118:24(NKJV)

God puts value on each and every day. In fact, you know what the really great thing is? Yesterday ended last night and today is a new day. It’s done…gone…you can’t change it, so you might as well let it go.

I don’t know about you but that’s encouraging to me because it assures me that I don't have to keep living off of yesterday, whether good or bad. Today is a fresh start. I get to start all over again.

Today is what we have, yet so many people let the gift of today slip through their fingers.

Think about it. How many times have we put off living life to the full because we are in the “wait” mode. You know what I mean:

Waiting for our breakthrough

Waiting for things to change

Waiting for a better job

Waiting for our kids to grow up

Waiting for the weekend…waiting, waiting, waiting!

All at the expense of TODAY.

To live intentionally we can’t allow waiting to take precedence over living in the present moment.(You might need to read that again!)

It’s time to live a PROACTIVE life.

Do you know what the opposite of a proactive life? A reactive one.

Let me explain:

A proactive, intentional life runs the day.

A reactive life lets the day run you.

A proactive life takes on a positive attitude and mindset.

A reactive life responds to drama and negativity and allows emotions to overtake them and ruin their day.

A proactive life takes measures to improve daily.

A reactive life is constantly overwhelmed by life and has no time for personal investment in growth.

You get the picture. The key to a better life is being intentional about making life better. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. The scripture says, Be careful how you live, not as the unwise but as the wise making the most of every opportunity. (Ephesians 5:15(NIV)

God has given us this day and it’s our responsibility with what we do with it.

Here’s a few suggestions to live an intentional, proactive life:

  1. Show up every day and bring your best self.

  2. Prioritize things that matter.

  3. Know your values and priorities and stick to them.

  4. Create new habits and routines.

  5. Be intentional with everything you do, but remain flexible to have fun!

  6. Invest in personal growth.

  7. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.

  8. Connect, be kind, stay grateful, take one day at a time.

  9. Don’t let yesterday or tomorrow take up too much of today.

  10. Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life!

Keep focused on the present and take on that mindset that you will make the MOST of TODAY.

Really LIVE your life and have no regrets. And always remember to make each day your masterpiece.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

Decisions that will Transform Your Life Part 1


How To Embrace Change