Decisions that will Transform Your Life Part 1

I think it’s safe to say that we all want to make right decisions. We want our choices to add value to our lives.

The reality is, if we want a better life, then we have to learn to make better decisions.

The scripture tells us that Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. Wisdom will save you from evil people, from those whose words are twisted.(Proverbs 2:11&12) That is so good!

I don’t know about you, but I’ll take all the wisdom I can get to help me make choices that will benefit my life.

You’re probably familiar with the story of Noah in the Bible. To paraphrase it, God spoke to Noah and told him there was going to be a flood, to build an ark, get his family in the ark and grab two of each kind of animal and get them in the ark as well. You know…just every day normal stuff!

Fast forward to the New Testament scripture-When he heard God’s warning about the future, Noah believed Him even though there was then no sign of a flood, and wasting no time, he built the ark and saved his family. (Hebrews 11:7)

Now this is what I love—Noah made the choice to obey even though he didn't know what a flood was, what an ark was, or how to get animals on a boat. He simply took God at His Word and decided to do what God told him to do.


Did you know that you just might be ONE decision away from a totally different life?

One decision in the right direction could save your marriage and family.

One decision to have a better attitude can change the atmosphere in your home.

One decision to trust God in the midst of impossible odds can cause you to live in peace.

One decision to give people a piece of you heart instead of a piece of your mind can turn your whole world around for the better.

Decisions determine our destiny. The choices we make every day impact our lives beyond what we can even imagine.

Here are some simple ways we can begin making better decisions:

1. Decide your emotions aren't going to win.

Emotions come and go. Feelings change. If we are offended, it’s difficult to make decisions that will be beneficial to our lives because we are making them out of hurt.

The best way to assure yourself that you won’t make decisions based on negative emotions it to let go of bitterness, anger, resentment and offense. Shake it off. Remember, the choices you make by accident are just as important as the choices you make on purpose.

2. Decide NOT to complain.

Did you know that complaining is simply announcing the areas in your life where the enemy has been victorious?

It’s true! Complaining is welcoming negativity into your space!

Try not complaining for 3 days. Zip that mouth up and just you watch. Things will begin to change around you because you are no longer voicing complaints. Don’t complain, adjust.

3. Decide that you will go THROUGH the difficulty and not camp in the difficulty.


Here’s the deal…the fact that you are going through something means you are going TO something.(I have chilly willies)

You are not stuck. Keep on walking through it. You will make it to the other side.

4. Decide to stay calm.

You. my friend, have the power to stay calm. You really do! Make the decision that you're not going to react, you're not going to freak out, you're not going to give people a piece of your mind. You are going to stay CALM.

5 Decide that you’re not gonna give up.

If you feel like quitting, DON’T. If you have failed, get back up and keep going. Be a get back upper. Train the QUIT right out of you. When you have that never-give-up spirit, you are setting yourself up to win.

6. Decide that you’re not going to be negative.

Be a positivity promoter and not the president of the negative committee! If you don’t have anything positive to say, then just don’t say anything at all. Train yourself to see the good, the glass half-full, the light at the end of the tunnel…you can go from being negative to positive by the decision to do so!

7. Decide to stop unhealthy thinking

Think about what you're thinking about. Stop unhealthy thoughts at the onset.

Remember, what you think is what you will become. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

8. Decide that you are going to speak LIFE.

Guess what? When you speak great things over your life, great things begin to happen.

There is a miracle in your mouth. You create your world by what comes out of your mouth. (You might need to read that again!)

Speak life over you, your kids, your spouse, your life situations.

Speaking life produces life!

There you have it.

Let’s be proactive in making decisions that will bring us a happier, more joy-filled life that we love waking up to every single day!

You are amazing,

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

Decisions that will Transform Your Life Part 2


Make Today Count