5 Ways to bring Peace into Your Life

Peace isn't just important. Peace is everything.

When you don't have peace, it's noticeable. You might feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or even unsure.

On the flip side, when you have peace, it's a game changer. Things may be happening around you, yet somehow, by the grace of God, you remain calm and sure because you have peace—God's peace.

God is a god of PEACE. He never uses fear or anxiety to lead you…He always uses peace.

He wants our lives to be peaceful. The scripture states, I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.(John 14:27)

So, how can you have peace in your mind, your heart and your home?

Let me give you five ways to find peace:

1. Peace comes from knowing God and having relationship with Him.

The scripture states, that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.(Romans 10:9&10)

Having relationship with Jesus is the ultimate way to Peace because He is the Prince of Peace. Honestly, I can’t fathom how anyone makes it with knowing God. He truly is everything and sticks with you through the up's and downs of life.

Remember, it’s not about rules or religion, but about RELATIONSHIP.

2. Peace comes from keeping our thoughts focused on the right things.

God promises us that He will keep us in perfect peace when keep our mind on Him. (Isaiah 26:3)

When we don’t take control of our thoughts, it’s more than likely that our thoughts will take control of us. We have to keep our thoughts constantly in check!

How? Focusing on the Promises instead of the problems. Focusing on the Mountain-Mover and not the mountain. Focusing on the blessings and not the burdens. Focusing on everything that’s going right in our lives instead of the things that aren’t going right! You get the picture.

3. Peace closes the door!

To negativity, naysayers, toxicity and drama!

You have to be careful, selective about who you invite into your space.

Maybe it’s time to:

-Opt out of conversations that aren't adding to your life.

-Stop participating in every argument you are invited to attend.

-No longer responding to drama. Save it for somebody else's mama or brother or sister or daddy.

You have to do what:s best for you!

Eliminate toxic relationships, delete some phone numbers and limit conversations,

Peace comes with a price.

Raise the bar on who has access to you.

4. Peace comes from keeping relationships healthy

You can’t have a bitter heart and expect to have a peaceful life. You can’t harbor unforgiveness and expect to live in peace. You can’t have a heart filled with anger and expect your life to be peaceful.

Forgive. Make things right. Let go of anger.

The scripture tells us to Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)

5. Peace begins with YOU!

You can't expect your home to be peaceful if you're not. YOU set the tone for your home

You gotta go after peace. The scripture says to search for peace and work to maintain it. (Psalm 24:)

One way to discover how to find peace, is to uncover how you lost it. Find out what’s causing you to lose your peace.

Have you lost your peace because you’re tired? Then get some rest!

Have you lost it because you’re house is in chaos? Then get organized!

The scripture tells us to Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed.(John 14:27)

You have to work toward peace. You can complain or you can adjust. Peace requires you to adjust.

The good news is Peace is Possible! You might have to make a mindset change and even a lifestyle change, but you can do it! Work toward it every single day.

And here’s a good way to start your day:

Today I will walk in peace.

Peace will guard my heart and mind.

My thoughts and emotions will be peaceful.

My words will bring peace to others.

Tonight I will sleep with sweet peaceful sleep!

Have a peaceful day,

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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