6 of the Best Investments You Can Make

OK, here are the facts: there are 168 hours in a week. Forty of those hours you probably spend at work or school. Fifty-six of those hours you spend getting that wonderful night of sleep that I’m sure you get every single night! You know what’s left over? Seventy-two hours! That means you have seventy-two hours to invest however you choose.

Let’s talk about six of the BEST investments you can make:

1. Your Outlook.

I didn't say attitude, but it's kind of the same thing in my opinion!

Do you know it’s possible to have a positive attitude even when everything is going wrong? I know you're thinking that's not possible and realistic. It is though.

You have to get beyond what you’re feeling and take on the mindset, “I’ve made it through difficulty before and I know I can make it again!” It really is a mindset. Trusting that even when you don’t have it all figured out, God does!

To invest in your outlook you:

  • Can’t let your emotions win.

  • Can’t allow a mood to turn into a mindset.(That’s soooo good!)

  • Refuse to let your problems dictate what kind of day you will have.

  • Don’t allow a bad moment to turn into a bad day.

You may not be able to change your circumstances right now, but right now, you can change your perspective.

Remember, It's not about what you look at that matters, it's all about what you choose to see.

2. Your People

You gotta show your people some love! Invest in your spouse, your kids, your family…your LEGACY!

Let me make it practical:

  • Make the phone calls

  • Go to dinner

  • Schedule a regular date night

  • Spend quality time with your kids

Don't give your family your leftovers, give them the best you. Even if that best you is tired and worn out. Don't sacrifice family.

Don't live with regret..”.I wish I would've spent more time with them. I wish I would've invested more into my family, I wish I would've called my parents more”. No, don’t wait…do it now. Do it daily.

And listen, I know you’re busy, but think of creative ways you can find special moments with those you love that show them they are the most important asset you could ever have.

It's not what you have in life, but who you have in your life that matters.

3. Invest in Personal Growth

Hey, just by reading this, I know you are investing in personal growth. I know you have realized knowledge is power.

Keep reading.

Keep educating yourself and growing.

Make drive time learning time. Make the decision that every day will be a day to grow.

4. Invest in Your Finances

Know your numbers. Don’t be afraid to look at your balance! Maybe you feel like you’re not good with money—guess what? You can start TODAY growing and learning and implementing things in your finances that will bring you to a better place financially.

Here are some ways you can start:

  • Get on a budget-make a place for every dollar.

  • Have a plan and set goals.

  • Keep your finances organized.

  • Work to get out of debt.

  • Save for the future.

As my dad always said, it's not the amount of money, it's the management.

5. Invest in Your Peace

Oh my goodness, this is so important! Here are some practical ways to invest in your peace and protect your peace:

  • Remove the noises and frustrations out of your life.

  • Remove or close the door to voices that are speaking negatively over your life.

  • Cut out distractions that don't make you feel good about yourself and steal your peace. (This might be social media)

  • Cut out things that put you on edge and fill you with anxiety and panic.

Be conscious about what you fill your life with.

6. Invest in Your Happiness

It’s time to get your happy back!

When you're happy, you see the world in a whole different way…from the sunny side of the street. When you're happy, it's noticeable. It's infectious.

Every day, choose to focus on being happy! How?

  • If you always wake up grumpy, change it.

  • Decide you're not gonna be that way.

  • Take on a happy attitude.

I know, you’re thinking that you’re just not that way. NEWSFLASH: You can be! You can be anything you decide to be. And the truth is, there will always be challenges…be happy anyway! In fact, go ahead and freak people out with your HAPPY! Refuse to let the challenges of the day steal your happiness!

Don't get to the end of your life and realize you invested in the wrong things. What we think might not matter today, in the end, we just might discover it mattered the most.

You got this! Let’s make today amazing!

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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