5 Ways To Bring Laughter Into Your Life

Ok, here’s a serious question—When is the last time you LAUGHED? I don’t mean a little half-hearted courtesy laugh, I mean a real, feel it down in your soul laugh?

Y’all, laughter is good for the soul. It’s the BEST medicine!

Laughter is good for the body. Look at what laughter can do for you:

  • Laughter reduces blood pressure and improves blood flow

  • It fuels your immune system

  • It is good for your emotional and mental health

  • It recharges your battery

I mean come on...it's hard to feel anxious, angry or sad when you're laughing!

Did I mention that a daily dose of laughter can burn up to 5 pounds of fat over the course of a year? Y’all, if we'd laugh instead of worrying we'd all be skinnier!

I know you're thinking, there's nothing fun or funny going on in my life right now. Here’s the deal… It’s really not about the circumstances of life—you have to laugh on purpose.

Here are 5 practical ways you can incorporate laughter into your daily life:

1. Smile!

Yes! Start smiling. Smiling is the proverbial training wheels to laughter.

2. Find funny people.

Evaluate your circle. If all of your people are serious, find some friends that are FUN and FUNNY!

3. Watch something funny.

Stop watching depressing shows on tv!. Be intentional about watching things that bring you joy and laughter.

4. Follow people or accounts on social media who make you laugh.

Be purposeful about who you follow…make sure it’s people who put a smile on your face.

5. Laugh at yourself!

You probably have some really good material and don’t even recognize it! I know I can laugh at myself. I wrote several examples in my new book-Better Than Ever-where you can discover more about laughing! (You can purchase anywhere books are sold.)

We are given 86,400 seconds each day. Once the day is up, it’s history. You can’t save it…it’s gone forever. So let's not waste any more days. Let’s lighten up and laugh! Listen in to learn about how to bring laughter into your home:

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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