THIS is Your Someday

There are seven days in a week and SOMEDAY isn't one of them.

How many times have you said, “I’ll do that someday?”

So often, we are in a state of waiting. Waiting until we’re ready. Waiting for the right job. Waiting until our kids grow up, or until our finances are right, or the weekend, or summer, or for perfect conditions. Waiting, waiting, waiting,

Our SOMEDAY never happens because we are in a constant state of limbo!. When in all reality we can start right now, where we are with what we have.


Here are random, simple things that can make TODAY your SOMEDAY:

Get things in Order

This is your SOMEDAY to organize, declutter, make your space one of peace and calm. Don’t wait, just begin!

Read a book/listen to an audio book

Hey, Knowledge is power! Reading a book relieves stress, boosts your mood, enhances your imagination, improves your memory and expands your vocabulary. This is your SOMEDAY to pull the book off the shelf and read it!


Random, I know. But did you know stretching is so beneficial to the body? It improves flexibility, prevents injuries, lowers stress, boosts blood flow, increases range of motion and is CALMING! Our bodies need this. This is your SOMEDAY to do all you can to avoid injury.

Listen to music that inspires and lifts your spirits

Music has the power to improve your state of mind. It occupies the mind. That’s why it’s important to listen to music that sets you up to be happy, cheerful, and motivated. This is your SOMEDAY to turn off the music that’s bring you down and start being intentional about what you allow into your world.

Stay connected with loved ones

Yall time is too short to keep putting off getting together with loved ones or making the phone call. Just do it. You have the time, you just have to take the time. Don't live with regrets. THIS is your SOMEDAY!

Get moving

If you don't make time for your health, you'll have to take time for your sickness. THIS is your SOMEDAY to get moving-walk, run, workout. Don't stay stagnant. Motion is lotion. It will relieve stress, boost your mood, improve your sleep, give your more energy and make you stronger!

Know your stuff

Know the state of your finances. Know your numbers. Get a plan and work the plan. This is your SOMEDAY to save, invest, pay cash and get out of debt.

Prioritize Family Time

The most important thing in life is to know the most important things in life. Family is the most important thing.

This is your SOMEDAY to make relationships right and make your family a priority. It’s never too late to start.

Have a morning routine

A morning routine sets your mood for the day. Establish one that sets the tone for your day. Don’t get overwhelmed, just get started! This is your SOMEDAY to establish morning habits that promote a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Have a night time routine

Night time routines set you up for the next day. They establish patterns to hopefully help you get good sleep which, in turn, sets you up for a better morning. This is your SOMEDAY to make yourself and your rest a priority.

Celebrate success

Tiny ones or big ones, celebrate the miracles that happen every day. Today is your SOMEDAY to stop waiting and start being grateful for what you already have.

No more waiting for perfect conditions. Stop waiting for the perfect moment and take the moment and make it perfect.

Stop waiting and start DOING.

THIS IS YOUR SOMEDAY. Let's make the most of it.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

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