4 Things to Get Rid of Today

Ok yall…there are things in our lives that are doing us more harm than good. Things that we might be so accustomed to that we don’t even realize they are holding us back or keeping us stuck and stagnant.

Getting rid of these things makes room for life to be better!

Here are 4 things to get rid of so your life can be BETTER:

1. Get rid of thoughts that are holding you back

Thoughts like:

-I'll never be able to start my own business

-I'll never find the person of my dreams

-I'll never get out of this financial hole that I keep falling deeper into day by day

-My marriage is never gonna make it

-Thoughts that you aren’t good enough, talented enough, smart enough, good looking enough

These negative, toxic thoughts need to be deleted from your mind. How do you do it? Say NO to those thoughts! Refuse to allow them to take residence in your mind any longer.

2. Get rid of the thoughts that are producing FEAR

You know those thoughts:

-What if I fail

-What if it doesn't work out

-What if they don't like me

-What if, what if, what if,

Change the narrative!

Instead of focusing on “What if I fail,” change it to “I believe I will flourish!”

Don’t say, “What if it doesn't work out,” Crush fear in the face and say, “It's gonna work out.”

No more saying, “What if they don't like me.” Start saying, “They are gonna love me.”

It's not just recognizing those thoughts, it's eliminating those thoughts and replacing them with thoughts that will empower you.

Get rid of the what if's that are creating fear and uncertainty and causing you to remain stuck and take the stand that fear will no longer have power over your life!

3. Get rid of BAD HABITS

-An unhealthy lifestyle

-Not taking care of you

-Not exercising

-Talking bad about people/judging people/assuming what you've heard is truth

-Being on your phone too much. Stop looking down and start looking people in the eyes.

4. Get rid of the junk that's in your HEART

-Clear out the unforgiveness

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. When you forgive you are free to love and free to live a full life

-Get rid bitterness

You can't be bitter and expect your life to be sweet.

-Clear out anger

Anger doesn't solve anything, and if you're not careful, it can destroy everything.

-Clear out resentment

Resentment hurts you, not them.

-Clear out holding on to the past

If you don't leave the past in the past, it will keep you from moving forward. DEAL and heal.

-Clear out the pride

Proverbs 16:18-Pride goes before destruction…

Let God heal the brokenness on the inside of your heart.

We have to edit our lives frequently and that's ok, because we are taking charge of our lives and choosing and guarding what we allow to enter in.

Unsubscribe, delete, block, whatever you need to do to simplify your life and set yourself up to live an amazing life. It doesn't mean it won't be without struggles, but you will be one step ahead of the game because you are taking control of YOU!

Remember this, if it doesn't add to your life, it doesn't belong in your life.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


3 Things You Really Should Keep to Yourself


Encouragement for When You are Anxious