4 Ways to Make Room for Your Miracle

Let’s be honest, we all probably have something that we desire that we haven’t seen come to pass yet. A miracle, a relationship restored, a promotion…maybe even something that can only transpire by a Divine Intervention.

Here’s a question for you: Have you made room for your miracle? Are you actively pursuing it?

Let me explain by breaking it down in 4 ways that you can make room for your MIRACLE:

1. Get a clear picture of what your miracle looks like.

You might be thinking, “Come on…don’t you think I know what my. miracle looks like!” I hear you, but let me say it like this: Have you created a picture so clearly in your mind that you can see that miracle and you know what it looks like so when the miracle comes, you're ready for it...you've made room for it? What does YOUR faith expect to see?

In other words, does your miracle look like a body that isn’t sick or a body that is free of disease, healthy, strong and in the best shape of your life?

Does your financial miracle look like one that’s out of debt or one that is debt-free with plenty of money in the bank and not lacking for anything?

See what I mean? Get specific. Know what you want and remember; God is in the details!

2.Take on a miracle mindset.

A miracle mindset is one that, despite the circumstances, the negative thoughts, the” it looks like it won't happen” mindset, you take on a,” It doesn't matter what it looks like in the moment… I know what I'm believing God for and my faith says it will happen” kind of mindset!

A miracle mindset says, “I'm not gonna allow what I currently see to cause me to forget what God has already said. I'm gonna believe Him despite what it looks like?”

A miracle mindset believes God can do the impossible.

A miracle mindset trusts that God is perfectly capable of bringing your miracle to past.

3. Get some backbone.

Backbone simply means to know what you're believing God for and don't let anyone talk you out of it!

-People will try to talk you out of your miracle.

-People will give you every reason why you should move on, why it probably won't happen, etc.

-People can have good intentions, but good intentions from others can talk out of your miracle.

Backbone, Backbone, Backbone!

4. Trust God's timing

We have to trust the process and trust that God knows exactly what He's doing. So often we are waiting on God to move, and God is looking for us to wait.

There are things that need to happen for our miracle to transpire. It might be something in us. It may be something in others. Whatever it might be, we have to say, “God, I trust your timing. I don't get it, I don't know why it's taking so long, but this one thing I do know. I'm not giving up.” Decide that you’re in it to win it and you’re in it for the long haul!

This one thing I know: Miracles still happen!

Make room for your miracle. Anything is possible if you believe.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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