6 Ways to Give Yourself a Break

Here’s a newsflash: You are allowed to rest, slow down, have alone time and not do everything on your to-do list.

You’re allowed to take a mental break and ask for help if you need it. Bottom line-you gotta give yourself a BREAK!

Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean “ME FIRST” it simply means “ME TOO.” And just because you need a break, doesn’t mean you’re broken.

Here are 6 ways you can give yourself a break:

1. When you’re tired, rest.

Give yourself permission to pause and slow down.You don't always have to be so busy. Invest in rest. Sleep allows your body to rest and restore itself. Make rest a priority!

2. Read or listen to something that encourages and inspires you.

Fill your mind with motivation, hope an inspiration that encourages you to be your best self. This will improve your mental health.

3. Remove distractions that bring stress.

Get off your phone, social media and your email. Disconnect to reconnect. Turn off sad movies, sad music and the news. Remove yourself from toxic situations and toxic people.

4. Say no when you need to.

If you are constantly putting yourself last, you will begin to feel it. Saying no simply means you are choosing to take care of you, mentally, spiritually and physically. Make yourself a priority. It's ok to do what's best for you. Respect yourself and choose YOU.

5. Create something to look forward to.

Do something that lifts your spirit...something that excites you so your mind knows it's going to get a break. Get out of the rut of everyday life. Plan something fun-go to the beach, take a mini vacation, have a spa day, play golf, shop...go shoe shopping. Plan something that is going to refresh you.

6. Be kind to yourself.

Did you know that 80% of our thoughts are negative? Yall. it's time to flip the script and start speaking to ourselves in a loving, life- giving positive way. It's time to believe the best in ourselves!

The bottom line is this: Be kind to yourself: Take care of your body, your mind and your emotions.

Remember, Nothing in nature blooms all year long. Give yourself a break.

When you give yourself a break you are one step closer to giving the world the BEST of you, not what's left of you.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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