7 Things to Declutter for a Better Day

Let's talk about clutter. Interesting, huh?

Clutter, in my opinion, is simply anything that doesn’t deserve a place in your life. It’s whatever is in your life that keeps you from living your best life.

Someone said it like this, External clutter is internal clutter on display. Oh that’s good!

Clutter is the enemy of clarity and creativity. Clutter causes anxiety! You know it’s true. You get stressed about the clutter which brings anxiety. It’s like a to-do list that never ends and an unending cycle if we don’t do something about it.

Clutter can be in your junk drawers, kitchen countertops, closet, your refrigerator, your garage and even your car. There are countless places we accumulate clutter.

In this blog, we’re going to go outside of the box and talk about other places—important places—that we need to declutter to make our lives better.

1. Technology: Email, Computer and Phone

Oh ya’ll know this is a good one. Seriously, you have to unsubscribe, delete, block, whatever you need to do to simplify your life and set yourself up to live an amazing life.

Get in the habit of doing this. Take 15 minutes every week and delete emails. Unsubscribe when you need to. Get rid of old files on your computer. You might even have to delete some apps and contacts on your phone that are no longer serving you and adding to your life.

2. Your schedule (I hear some big, “AMENS” right here!)

You know what I'm talking about. The things that are wearing you out. The Saturdays filled with gymnastics, soccer games, baseball, parties, etc. Nothing wrong with those things unless they are stealing your joy, your time and making you feel stressed. Clear out the clutter of a schedule that is bringing you down. Make your days and your weekends something you love instead of something you dread.

3. Social media (Cue- “Jesus take the Wheel”)

There are accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. When you look at them you find yourself comparing their “perfect world” to your highly imperfect one. Say it with me now-”It’s not real life. It’s their HIGHLIGHT reel.” These accounts are bringing you unnecessary stress. Here’s one word to release you from the comparison game…wait for it…UNFOLLOW.

Instead of setting yourself up to feel bad, set yourself up to THRIVE! Find accounts that motivate, inspire and make you happy. If you’re looking for one, follow me @Aprilosimons. I am a Hope Coach and my goal is to bring life, hope and happiness through my social media.

4. Bad Habits

We gotta get rid of the habits that are not conducive to living a happy, healthy life. Here are some examples:

-Unhealthy lifestyle-eating junk food all of the time

-Putting yourself last and not taking care of yourself

-Not exercising

-Staying up too late

-Not getting enough sleep

Become a priority in your life. One of the wisest investments you can make is an investment into yourself.

5. Your MIND

I'm gonna break it down for you: Thoughts that don't belong in your mind—clear them out. Say “no” to them. Don’t allow them access. You would never allow a thief in your home, so don’t allow a thought to run rampant in your mind and steal your peace, joy and happiness.

When those thoughts come in, RECOGNIZE them, ELIMINATE them and then REPLACE them with healthy thoughts.

6. Your HEART

Let me just give it to you straight: Unforgiveness…it’s gotta go. So does bitterness, anger, resentment, pride, and brokenness.

Accept the truth. Embrace the hurt. Learn the lesson. Heal. Come back better. Pastor YPJ

When your heart is filled with clutter, it ALWAYS comes out of your mouth. Life is too short to carry unhealthy things in your heart. It’s time to deal and heal.

7. Unhealthy Generational Cycles

YOU have the power to change your story. It’s not just gonna happen. You gotta stand up and BREAK THE CYCLE!.

If you find yourself repeaingt past, toxic behaviors, clear the clutter and change the pattern. You can do it! Don’t repeat the past if the past isn’t worth repeating. YOU are in charge of how you live you life. Remember, just because you may not have come from a healthy family doesn’t mean a healthy family can’t come from YOU!

Here:s the deal

Whether you realize it or not you are the CEO of your life. That:s why you have to promote demote and terminate as necessary.

Remember, if it doesn’t ADD to your life, then it doesn’t belong in your life!

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


Living Life with No Regrets


How to Live an Extraordinary Life