How to Get Your Happy Back

Have you figured out yet that happiness is an inside job? It really is! It's not based on everything in life being perfect. Happiness is a choice. It's a way of life. It's something you choose every single day.

So what can we do, or not do, every day to live a life of happiness?

1. Don't dread everyday tasks.

Those tasks like cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, getting the kids down for a nap, doing laundry, meetings, etc. Happy people look at the mundane tasks of life differently. Instead of getting overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, they decide to be present in the moment and thank God for His grace to get everything done.

2. Don’t focus on things you can’t control.

Focus on what you can control! You can control how you feel, how you respond, the tone in your home and who you allow to speak into your life. You can’t always control the outcome, but you can control the effort. Focus on happiness.

3. Don’t give up.

Choose to keep going no matter what life sends your way. When one door closes, look for another door to open. It's an attitude of being content despite what's happening all around.

4. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Let it go and choose peace. Go with the flow. Life isn't going to end if you don't get the laundry cleaned, the dishes put away and the house in perfect condition. When you stop sweating the small stuff, you start enjoying life.

5. Don’t live in the past.

Choose happiness over history. Realize the past is a place of reference, not a place of residence. Choose to live in the moment and celebrate each and every day. Hans Christian Anderson said, "Enjoy life, there's plenty of time to be dead."

6. Don't isolate yourself.

Cultivate meaningful relationships. Have accountability. Have people that will lift you up and encourage you toward your dreams., Hang out with positive, fun, life-giving, happy people.

7. Don’t hold on to unforgiveness.

Choose to live a lifestyle of forgiveness and don’t allow bitterness or resentment or anger to get into your heart. This is vital for happiness.

8. Don’t take things for granted.

Live a lifestyle of gratitude. Appreciate the little things and the small miracles along the way. Happiness is appreciating what you already have.

9. Don't judge others.

Cheer others on! Help others succeed in life. Practice compassion and give others the grace they deserve. Make life happier for others. Happy people bring out the happy in people.

10. Don’t participate in drama.

Choose peace and keep your calm. Remember, just because people are living in drama doesn't mean you have to attend their performance. Happy people own and protect their world.

11. Don’t resist change.

Change brings growth and happy people desire to grow, learn and improve daily.

12. Don’t repeat past behaviors.

Learn from your mistakes, make better decisions and move on. Falling down is a part of life. Getting back up is living.

13. Don’t look at life with a “half-empty” perception.

Look at life from the sunny side of the street. See obstacles as opportunities. Be kind and compassionate. Smile and laugh. Enjoy what you have while you’re getting to where you want to be.

14. Don’t put yourself last.

Celebrate who God created you to be. Take care of yourself and value who you are..

15. Don’t limit yourself.

Dream big. Know where you want to go. Set goals and have an abundance mentality.

16. Don't leave your life to chance.

Embrace spirituality. Pray and seek direction from God. Lean on and trust in Him every single day. When challenges come your way run to God and not away from Him.

Happiness is not by chance, it's by choice. You can choose to allow circumstances to dictate what kind of mood you will be in or you can make the choice every single day, no matter what comes your way, to choose happy. It's a shift in your mindset. It doesn't mean you're happy that bad things are happening around you. It means you are going to keep your happy regardless, because your faith and hope are in God. And when things seem out of control all around you, you have the confident assurance that God has everything under control.

So, today, make happiness a priority. Celebrate life, enjoy your family and this life God has given you. You just might discover that your life will become better than ever.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.

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