Daily Affirmations for Your Family

Did you know that you talk to yourself more than anyone else? That’s why you have to be careful what you’re saying, because you are listening!

Think about it—if you're constantly talking about how bad things are, it discourages you. It makes things appear hopeless. If you want to transform your world for the better, then you have to get your words working FOR you and not against you!

How? Begin to say what you want to see. Instead of dwelling on the problem, begin to talk about the possibilities. The scripture states in Matthew 4:4-Words kill, words give life. They're either poison or fruit. You choose. You can either speak life or death over your life. You have to watch your words! The scripture states, Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.” (Proverbs 13:3)

I like to say it like this; the words YOU speak become the house you live in. Let’s begin to use our words to build and not tear down; to bring life, encouragement, joy and hope.

Let me break it down and make it practical:

Instead of saying, "My family is so messed up" start saying:

My family is amazing.

My family is strong.

We will not repeat past behaviors that are destructive to the unity of this family.

Our family is loving, kind and compassionate toward one another.

There is restoration, healing, forgiveness and joy in our house.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

My family is blessed, protected, happy, prosperous, successful, unified and better than ever.

Instead of saying, "I'll never get out of this financial hole I'm in," start saying:

I will get out of debt.

I see my debts completely paid for and I see money in my bank accounts.

God is giving me wisdom that I need and the discipline I need to become financially secure.

I have an abundance mindset.

I will not lack for anything.

All my needs are met.

Instead of saying, "I will never be successful," begin saying:

I am successful in whatever I set my hand to do.

God has given the power to be successful.

God is setting me up for amazing things.

New opportunities are coming my way.

God is opening new doors for me to walk through.

I will bring value wherever I go.

I am a difference maker, a problem-solver a team player and filled with creativity.

Instead of saying, "My business will never take off," begin saying:

My business is blessed.

It's thriving.

It's successful.

God is giving me creative ideas on how to implement strategies to get my business into the public.

I see it making money.

I see it flourishing.

Instead of saying, "My child is in the terrible two’s or the awful teenage years," start saying:

My children are blessed.

They are obedient.

They are a pleasure to be around.

They are respectful and kind.

They get along well with others.

These are the terrific two's.

The thriving threes, fabulous four, fantastic fives.

The teenage years are going to be the best. I don't dread them, I look forward to them.

My kids are going to be godly examples, leaders, and they will accomplish great things.

Instead of saying, "Things will never get better," start saying:

Things are getting better everyday.

God has promised me an abundant life and I will not settle for a so-so life.

I'm reaching for more and letting go of a limited mentality and all that is holding me back.

I'm walking in abundance in every area of my life.

Instead of saying bad things about your spouse, begin to say:

My spouse is a blessing.

They love me unconditionally and I love them the same.

We are a great team.

We honor one another.

We respect each other.

We give each other grace.

When they do something wrong I won't forget all they've done right.

Instead of saying, "I'm not good enough, talented enough, smart enough, good-looking enough," start saying:

I am more than enough.

I am talented.

I am creative.

I am filled with wisdom.

I can achieve anything.

My possibilities are endless.

I AM one of a kind and I bring value to whatever I set my hand to do.

Change your words and you'll change your world!

My dad used to say, Don’t use your words to describe your situation; use your words to change your situation.

So today:

Use your words to build your family, your marriage and your relationships

Use your words to build your mindset.

Use your words to build your future.

And If you don't have anything positive and uplifting and encouraging to say, don't say anything at all. (Proverbs 21:23-
Keep your mouth closed and you'll stay out of trouble.)

Don't leave life to chance.

Don't linger in the negative.

Decide today to stop using words that are limiting and begin to use you words to make life better than ever.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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