What to do When You’re Tired of Waiting

Wouldn't it be great if right when we prayed, we got the answer we wanted, the miracle we needed and our heart's desires fulfilled? I mean, who wouldn't want an "insta" kind of life. No waiting. No hardships. No worries. Nada.

A lot of times we pray and need a “right now” answer.(Or is that just me?) More than often, we don’t get an instant answer and if we’re being honest, It's easy to get discouraged and lose faith. In fact, maybe as you're reading this you're tired, weary and worn out. Maybe the circumstances of life have caused you to lose hope. Maybe you've prayed and believed for a long time now and you still haven't seen your miracle.

I'm sure you’ve figured out that your timing is rarely ever God's timing. (Can I big, “Amen!”) We have to remember there’s a process and we have to trust God in the process.

What does that mean?

God wants us to trust His timing.

He wants us to take ourselves out of the driver's seat and let Him be in total control.

He wants us to be patient. (Patience is not just the ability to wait, but to keep a good attitude while waiting.) Remember, good things come to those who wait…God things come to those who believe, have faith and wait.

So what do you do when you're waiting and you have yet to see your prayers answered? Here's some things to think about:

How are you going to act in the process of waiting?

Are you going to live frustrated and irritated or are you going to give God your cares and choose to stay in peace with a confidence that God will do what He has promised?

How are you going to pray in the process of waiting?

Are you going to pray the problems or are you going to pray the promises that He has place in His Word?

What are you going to say in the process of waiting?

Are you going to talk about your unanswered prayers or are you going to talk about the countless times God has been faithful in your life?

In other words, while you're waiting, wait well! Make God proud. Show your children how to handle life while they are waiting. Show them that you love God and praise God during the difficult seasons. Teach them early what you may have learned later in life.

So often we are looking for God to move and in all honesty, sometimes God is looking for us to wait.(That’s good stuff!)

Let me encourage you while you are in the process of waiting:

  • Be faithful to God when life is hard.

  • Be faithful to Him when all hell is breaking loose.

  • Be faithful to Him when those around you are unfaithful to you.

  • Be faithful to Him when you feel like nothing is going your way.

Decide no matter how great the challenge, you are going to draw on the grace of God and you aren’t going to allow the “waiting” to take the “life” out of you any longer.

In fact, determine today that instead of wallowing in the waiting, you are going to:

Get your spiritual fortitude back.

Psalm 31:24- Be strong, and let your heart take courage, All you who hope in the LORD.

Get your patience back.

Romans 12:12-Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Get your joy, peace and hope back.

Romans 15:13 -May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Get your strength back.

Isaiah 40:30-31-Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Are you pumped up yet?

The scripture tells us in Ephesians 6:11(AMP)-…having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]. That scripture is a great reminder that:

There will be times when you see nothing; keep standing.

There will be times when it appears to get worse; keep standing.

There will be times when you feel like you can’t take one more thing; keep standing.

You might think it’s over, but God is just getting started. Let me encourage you, while you are waiting, God is working. Don’t give up on what you’re believing God to do in your life. The scripture states in Hosea 2:15: God will transform the valley of trouble into a gateway of hope. Don’t allow what you currently see to cause you to forget what God has already said. Stand firm. Believe big. Outlast the enemy and get your hopes back up.

Remember, God hasn’t failed anyone yet and He’s not about to begin with you.

April xo

April Simons

April Osteen Simons is an author, speaker and Hope Coach.


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